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Contact Us
- The Costas Network Law Center, LLC
- 6116 W. Creek Rd. Independence, OH 44131
- immigration@costas-network.com
- (216) 577-7612
- (216) 862-8380
Billing Coordinator
Evelyn Costas serves as the Billing Coordinator for The Costas Network Law Center, LLC. She oversees the billing activities of the firm and is the financial liaison between the legal team and its clients. Evelyn is originally from Bolivia and is fluent in Spanish. Prior to joining The Costas Network, Evelyn was a criminal defense attorney in Bolivia and held her own legal practice, Consorcio Jurídico Melius, in Santa Cruz, Bolivia for six years. She received her training and law degree from the Universidad Privada Domingo Savio in Santa Cruz, Bolivia. Before that, she served as an immigration inspector for the Ministry of Immigration of Bolivia.